Volleyball "Dig" Team: $120
(Register your team before checkout)
We cannot attend, but would like to donate to the Anna O'Neill Foundation
When signing up for your team, please be mindful of your players skill set:
We reserve the right to move teams based on skill set or number of teams in each division.
Beginner: a person who has just started to do or learn something, in the case of volleyball, beginners are usually 8th grade and below. OR, older people who play for fun :)
Intermediate: a person in the middle of two distinct phases, in this case, not a beginner or an expert. Usually, volleyball intermediate would be freshman and sophomores and older people who play for fun, but are pretty good.
Expert: a person who has comprehensive and authoritative knowledge of the skills. Kids who have played a higher level of club vb, varsity players, college players and the like.
Registration is open for 2025
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