Additional memories of Anna are shared on the following websites-
Anna O'Neill
Born on August 19, 2000, in Sacramento, California.
Anna attended Mount Saint Mary's Academy in Grass Valley from preschool through eighth grade where her energetic spirit, her academic excellence and her steadfast leadership will always be remembered. Anna's accomplishments were many: valedictorian, student body president, volleyball and basketball teammate and captain, winner in Nevada County writing and speech tournaments, academic decathalon member and captain and choraleer soloist.
At Forest Lake Christian High School, where Anna was a freshman, she had already made her mark by climbing to the top of her class. Her extracurricular achievements included playing for varsity soccer, JV volleyball and varsity basketball. Anna was also a integral member of her chamber choir.
Anna spent her summers with her family on Peaks Island, Maine, where she sailed for the competitive sailing team; she was also an avid pier jumper.
The O'Neills have been parishioners of St. Patrick Parish for the past 15 years, where Anna served as a member of the children's choir, as a lector and as an altar server.
Anna possessed every attribute that a parent, sibling, teacher, priest, coach and friend would dream of and cherish. Her intelligence, ability to persuade, leadership abilities and quick wit will never be forgotten. Always our angel on earth.